21 May 2006

Cambridge Mayweek Seminar 2006

I'm looking forward to attending the forthcoming Mayweek seminar. This is not a public meeting but a seminar within the Classics Faculty at Cambridge University. I post its schedule for general interest, and also in order to provide an explanation, if in the next couple of weeks you see the occasional post on De Officiis:

Cicero, De officiis book 1. Mayweek Seminar/Laurence Seminar, 29 May-2 June 2006

1) prefatory remarks; 1-10, introduction
Malcolm Schofield

2) 11-19, the four virtues; wisdom
Charles Brittain

3) 20-41, justice
Tony Long

4) 42-59, liberalitas
Miriam Griffin

5) 61-92, magnanimity
Michael Pakaluk

6) 93-121, decorum etc.
Christopher Gill

7) 122-51, decorum etc. (continued)
George Boys-Stones

8) 152-60, comparison of virtues
David Sedley

9) retrospect
Robert Wardy