17 September 2007

A Novum Organon

For those unfazed by new technology, much can be learned from the excellent website, Scholasticon, maintained by Jacob Schmutz of the Sorbonne (Paris-IV).
Thus from a footnote to M.W.F. Stone's contribution, "Scholastic Schools and Early Modern Philosophy", in the Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy (ed. Donald Rutherford).

The footnote is a comment on Stone's claim that:
Few students of philosophy recognize that ideas and doctrines advanced by scholastic thinkers made a distinctive contribution to philosophical inquiry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. For most, scholasticism is believed to have been eclipsed and subsequently displaced by self-styled "modern" movements in philosophy and science associated with Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Newton.
Stone thinks that a partial remedy, at least, might be found in a general history of early modern scholasticism, but as he points out:
There is no complete or authoritative survey of early modern scholasticism presently available in any language, a fact which is explicable more in terms of the profusion of sources rather than the indolence or disinterest [sic] of scholars.
No one who had perused the vast resources contained simply on Scholasticon could doubt this last claim.


Edward Ockham said...

And what is in Scholasticon is but a minute fraction of what is there. E.g. only two works of Ockham online.

Scholasticon, surprisingly, omits a great 17th treasure, Suarez Metaphsical Disputations online:
